
Superpack carried out a fire drill this summer


Superpack fire knowledge training

In order to further improve the fire awareness and emergency disposal ability of employees, to protect the 

safety of employees' live and property and the safe production of enterprises, Superpack carried out a fire drill 

on the morning of July 7.

We convene all the employees for a fire knowledge training,ensure every employee to have a deep understanding 

of self-help common sense such as fire prevention, risk avoidance and escape before the fire drill.

Subsequently, the fire drill was carried out in a planned and step-by-step under the organization of the 

safety production manager of the enterprise.

We simulated a fire scene, all the employees covered their mouths and noses with a low waist, and quickly

fled the "fire scene" in the direction of escape by hearing the "alarm". After the drill, Superpack trained all 

employees on first aid measures, explained the correct use of fire extinguishers. And then, many employees 

experienced how to use fire extinguishers and fire water guns.

The fire drill was completed successfully, the employees' fire safety awareness and ability to use firefighting 

equipment have been enhanced. And Superpack have accumulated experience in responding to emergencies, 

which is of great benefit to the company's safe production.

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